When lung cancer is detected early enough, it can be cured.
Lung cancer, which was discovered at an early stage, is curable in 50% of cases, compared with cancer that has already metastasized, where the curability is only about 2%. Pay attention to the first symptoms of lung cancer to increase the likelihood of cure.
Getting sick very often
If you are often sick, suffering from cold, flu or bronchitis, the reason may be markedly impaired immunity, but also lung cancer.
Symptoms are similar to colds, flu and infections. The only difference is in the frequency of symptoms and their duration. Namely, if symptoms are present for a long time, be sure to consult your doctor to determine if it is or it isn’t cancer.
As the cancer cells spread through lung tissue and bronchial tubes, so come up with symptoms similar to a cold or flu. Lung cancer makes the person increasingly vulnerable to disease and infection. The immune system is weakened, which is why the body cannot defend well against microbes.
Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
If you constantly losing weight without definitive cause and food, which used to be delicious, suddenly becomes repulsive, it is important to discover the true cause of these changes.
Some people lose their appetite and simply forget to eat, some are fast becoming fed up even after small servings, and some feel sick if they eat too much or eat too quickly. If these symptoms were not present before, be sure to seek medical attention.
Abnormal growth of breasts in men
Breast augmentation can be a sign of a serious health problem. There may be an increase in only one breast. This increase can occur only in the area around the nipple.
As the tumor grows, it begins releasing different hormones and other substances, traveling through the bloodstream, causing the breast growth. Even one of the five patients stated that the first symptom was breast growth.
Breast augmentation is something that you should definitely tell your doctor. May be associated with cultivation, but also much more serious health problems.
This is also one of the first symptoms of lung cancer. Reminiscent of the feeling of fatigue during the flu, fever or colds. Fatigue caused by cancer is constant and does not go no matter what you take.
Fatigue can be caused by insomnia, overtime work and many other factors. The cancer may spread to the adrenal glands directly controlled release of energy. If you are constantly tired for no reason, be sure to consult a physician.
Sick and thickened fingers
Thickening of the fingertips and pain can occur for many reasons, but the most common is lung cancer. Many people replace these symptoms with the symptoms of arthritis.
The fingers can be swollen and under the nails, and you may feel swelling, redness or warmth. You may also notice the awkwardness and difficulty in movement. Perhaps you feel that you have lost the fine motor skills in the hands.
Shortness of breath
Approximately 15% of lung cancer cases make non-smokers, and the main causes are exposure to air pollution, chemicals and passive smoking. Although the shortness of breath is associated with various diseases, may also be associated with lung cancer.
If you feel that you are not fit, shortness of breath, especially when you want to take a deep breath, be sure to consult your doctor to see if it comes to lung cancer or is something else.
If you often have to scrub the throat, are feeling increased release of saliva, are hoarse, have a dry cough, coughing up brown, orange or red slime and you notice blood in the saliva, be sure to consult a physician.
Muscle weakness
The constant feeling weakness can be one of the first signs of lung cancer. Muscle weakness occurs when harmful substances begin to travel through the bloodstream and reach the muscle. If these substances are spread to the brain, can lead to impaired function of one side of the brain.
If you feel that you have to invest too much energy, feel fatigue at the smallest efforts, consult a physician to determine whether you are suffering from lung cancer.
Chest pain, shoulders, back and abdominal pain
Chest pain is associated with heart attacks, but people who do not belong to the risk group should see a doctor to determine whether it is lung cancer. Even in one of four people chest pain occurs as the first symptom of lung cancer.
Pain in the back, shoulders and neck may resemble the muscle pain and tension. If you constantly feel pain in the shoulder, back or abdomen, consult a physician.
Source: healthylifevision.com
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