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dimanche 13 décembre 2015

She Put Her Hands in Vinegar Twice a Week. The Results – UNBELIEVABLE!

After years of treating severe arthritic pain in her hands unsuccessfully, this woman turned to alternative medicine.

“I’ve been dealing with painful wrists and arms for years. A few months ago, I was diagnosed with arthritis, which had developed as a result of hard work and malnutrition. Since I’m not a person who immediately resorts to conventional medications, I decided to try a natural solution for my condition. I talked to the doctor about it and he advised me to try the apple cider vinegar treatment, but cautioned me to be persistent.”

She Put Her Hands in Vinegar Twice a Week. The Results – UNBELIEVABLE!

“I started using it and now, two months later, I can say that I’m feeling a lot better. For the first month, I applied the treatment three times a week, and now only twice. I put my hands in vinegar before going to bed, and the pain and burning sensation I had in my hands, simply disappeared. I used a natural mixture made of apple cider vinegar, water and honey. I want to recommend this to everyone suffering from arthritic pain, because it is really efficient,” said Ana H., who has spent a lifetime working as a typist.


Mix 1 cup of apple cider vinegar with 6 glasses of water and soak your hands (or feet). If you have pain in your neck or other part of your body, simply wrap the painful area in ACV compresses.


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