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samedi 21 novembre 2015

They Couldn’t Figure Out Why Her Breath Was So Bad, Until Her Doctor Found THIS!

If you have bad breath all the time, although you brush your teeth regularly than the problem might be bigger than you thought. You may have tonsil stones like the quarter of the population.

According to IJ Review:

Specialists confirmed that tonsil stones are the reason for Beckler’s bad breath, precisely, the microbes which are accumulated on the tonsil stones and are releasing gas with unpleasant and sulfurous odor.

So the only solution was to get rid of tonsil stones and she did a laser ablation. With this process first the throat is numbed and then the stones are destroyed with a laser. With this procedure the tonsil stones usually do not appear again.

On the other hand Meghan Swann used home method to remove her tonsil stones. She thought she had something in her throat and when she pushed on her tonsils she removed the stone.

They Couldn’t Figure Out Why Her Breath Was So Bad, Until Her Doctor Found THIS!

After talking with her mother who had tonsil stones as well she found that she could remove tonsil stones with cotton swabs. She explained how on her blog as there are plenty of people with the same problem. You can also try gargling with non-alcohol based mouth wash or Waterpik and see if you can remove the stones out- recommends Dr. Lee Zimmer.It may be unpleasant but you better do something about it rather than ignoring it. Learn more from the video below:

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