Whatever the nutritionists say, you should know that the truth is that these are not “genuine” sustenance.
These ingredients have been subjected to too much preparation and are loaded with fixing made from man, which makes them so unrecognizable compared to their unique shape that makes it hard even for your body to understand what to do with them.
Often consumption of this sustenance can lead to a lethal develop that does harm to you wellbeing, a group of studies reveals.
It is very often considered to be the enemy number one. It is the major reason that causes diabetes and obesity. It is also bad for the liver, the pancreas and the digestive system in general. Its consumption also compromises the nervous system for up to 50 percent every time you take in sugar.
Still, you should keep in mind that not every sugar is equal. Natural sugars found in honey or fruits are beneficial, as long as they are consumed in moderate amounts.
Maybe it doesn’t seem dangerous, but when taken into your body, it influences your body the same as sugar. It puts pressure on the pancreas and causes misbalance of the levels of insulin to the extent that the body is sent into fat-storage mode.
All nutritive values of wheat are being lost during its processing. It also loses the most of the fibers. The wheat alone is not bad, but the processing makes the resulting products bad, so that is why you should avoid the white stuff.
You must be surprised now, right? We constantly hear that we should consume milk for strengthening of our bones, but the nutritionist Patrick Holford says that as we get older, we lose the ability to digest lactose, the major component of milk.
That is why milk causes food intolerance, bloating, provides acidic environment in our body and causes inflammatory illnesses.
The most frustrating fact is that drain is treated with hormones, chemicals, warmth, additives and anti-infection agents. Instead the regular, try using the coconut, almond or rice milk which are more nutritious and simpler to process.
Fast food
This is food prepared in a fast way, the name itself suggests that, and that is what makes it bad for the body, let alone the highly processed meat, sodium and saturated fats.
Even though it is an extreme case, still, eating fast food for every meal has been shown so dangerous, that the doctors in the Super Size Me show grew seriously concerned about the health of the researcher.
Processed meat
These meats are abundant in sodium and nitrates, to the extent that they become dangerous for our body. The American Institute for Cancer Research discovered that taking in processed meats is connected to an increased risk of colon cancer. When digested, the nitrates are turned into nitrites and cause formation of nitrosamine, a chemical that causes cancer.
Donuts are being prepared from unhealthy ingredients like white sugar, trans-fat and white flour. This is an extremely dangerous combination, not only for the shape of your body, but for the health of your heart as well. Moreover, eating sugar and trans-fat is connected to significantly increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Potato crisps
When exposed to high temperature, foods form acrylamide, known to be carcinogen. According to Dale Hattis, a research professor at Clark University in Massachusetts, the acrylamide is responsible for several thousand cancer cases in America on a yearly basis. Crisps are very high in fat and salt, meaning they contain great quantities of sodium. The sodium is responsible for increase of the blood pressure and the levels of cholesterol, leading to increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
The Cancer Science magazine published a study in 2005 that revealed that diet high in salt leads to gastric cancer.
These drink do not contain ingredients that are beneficial for your body, what is even worse, they are abundant in chemicals and sugar that actually reduce the level of the supplements in your organism.
The Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention published a study that showed that drinking two soft drinks a week doubles the danger of pancreatic growth.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, an American specialist and a creator in New York Times, there are 10 teaspoons of sugar in just one container of pop and 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, sulphites and manufactured sustenance hues.
The pop forms corrosive in the body, which weakens the bones and spends the key mineral stores. There is scientifically confirmed relation between stoutness and diabetes and consuming pop. It is also proved that consuming soft drinks trap the cerebrum into thinking that the body is getting sugar, and this affects the digestion system and triggers longings for more sugar.
Margarine is a processed fat, and contains trans-fats that cannot be processed by the body. It increases the level of cholesterol and causes damage to the blood vessels. Unnatural foods when ingested create toxic burden to our system, and put huge stress to the liver. The Natural Health Hub says that we should all be avoiding the fake butter margarines and start consuming some natural food instead.
Canned soups
Canned foods are abundant in salt. Even though often times are confused with healthy food, many cans of soup contain up to 890 milligrams of sodium, the full daily recommended dose.
When the body has too much sodium, it retains water, and this puts stress on the heart and increases the blood pressure. This leads to heart attacks.
Source: reldigezt.com
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