There are many studies which have examined the link between coconut oil, metabolism and weight loss.
According to study results, coconut oil is rich in powerful fatty acids which boost the metabolism, provide your body with energy, and stimulate weight loss.
One of the main reasons why conventional pharmaceutical treatments are ineffective for more than 80% of people with underactive thyroid is because hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease.
Signs Your Thyroid Might Be Having Trouble
Common symptoms of thyroid disease:
1. Persistent fatigue
People who sleep enough, at least 8-10 hours, and still feel tired may have underactive thyroid. There are many health conditions which can lead to chronic fatigue, but commonly, it is associated as an early symptom of thyroid disease.
2. Brain Fog
Attention deficit disorder, including poor concentration and memory, and brain fog can be a clear indication of thyroid disorder. Overactive thyroid is associated with lack of concentration, while underactive thyroid leads to memory problems.
3. Digestive Issues
A common symptom of hypothyroidism is constipation, while frequent bowel movements and diarrhea are associated with hyperthyroidism.
4. Mood Swings
Another common sign of thyroid disorder are frequent mood swings. Overactive thyroid causes anxiety and nervousness. Depression, irritability and mood swings can be due to underactive thyroid.
5. Excessive Weight Gain
Inexplicable and rapid weight gain is usually associated with thyroid disease and you need to consult your doctor.
More signs of thyroid disorder include: hypersensitivity to heat and cold, brittle nails, ringing in the ears and hair loss.
Just Because Your Thyroid Tests Are Normal Doesn’t Mean You Can Neglect Your Thyroid
Blood tests usually show the major thyroid imbalances. However, the minor thyroid disorders are more difficult to be diagnosed.
Coconut Oil And Your Thyroid
Unhealthy diet and high blood sugar levels can have a significant impact on the thyroid function. Therefore, you should try to eat healthy and exercise regularly in order to maintain your thyroid under control.
Coconut oil was previously considered a bad fat. However, in the past few years it has been proved that coconut oil contains more saturated fatty acids than any other non-hydrogenated oil. It contains lauric acid which has the ability to increase the good cholesterol levels, while reducing the bad cholesterol levels. This is why coconut oil is an essential part of South Asian cuisine.
Making Coconut Oil Part Of Your Diet
Melted coconut oil can be used curries, stir fries or as a salad dressing. Also, it can be an excellent substitute for vegetable oil in baking.
Furthermore, coconut oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes, because it has the ability to nourish your skin and hair.
Also, when consumed regularly, it can significantly improve the function of your thyroid gland. Apart from coconut oil, there are many other foods which can positively affect the thyroid. These include gluten-free and anti-inflammatory foods (Mediterranean diet) which will also improve your heart health.
Additional tips:
Take more vitamins and minerals, including iodine, B vitamins, iron, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.
Avoid dioxins, chemical substances which have harmful effects on the thyroid gland.
Reduce stress! Too much stress, pressure and anxiety can worsen the existing thyroid problems.
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