Tonsillitis is a very uncomfortable condition and a quite scary one and according the doctors the only healing method is a surgery, but actually that is a lie! There are many natural remedies people can make and use, and that’s why today, after many researches, we picked the best ones to share with you.
Cumin seed is prized for its curative properties for centuries.
This natural remedy is best known for treating Tonsillitis, it completely cures it in just 4 hours! Yes, it is true! There is no need to use all those expensive chemicals that are based on drugs, all you need is probably already in your kitchen, because they are very common ingredients and very healthy as well. If you or someone you know, even a child, is experiencing these symptoms, tonsillitis or sore throat, then share this incredible recipe and feel the benefits of it only after 4 hours.
Never forget that our ancestors were treating many diseases very effectively by the help of folk medicine. These recipes are spread out from one generation to another, so with the globalization and Internet connection we have that blessing to share the information and try these all-natural cures.
You will need:
80 gr cumin (or black) seeds
250 ml of filtered water
1 tbsp. cognac or whisky
Pour the cumin seeds with 200 ml water and boil for 15 minutes. After that, the mixture will turn black and thick, textured just like wet grounds of coffee. Strain your mixture and put the rest of the water (50ml), and boil it again. At the end, add the liquor.
Consume 1 tablespoon of this mixture every half an hour, and after 2 hours you will start to feel the relief and after the forth hour, all the symptoms will be gone.
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