If you are not one of those lucky people who have a flat and taut stomach, experts make an inventory of five kinds stomach and the ways in which you can tighten or to get rid of the problems that bother you.
Find type of stomach you have and apply the advice with which is supposed to “remediate” existing problem.

Spare tire (rim, tire rescue)
If you have this type probably you mostly sit at the work table or sit on the couch or you are very emotional and eat all the time. You probably consume a lot of sugar and carbohydrates over biscuits, cakes, white bread, pasta and rice and consume alcohol.
To get rid of the fat layers and to strengthen your stomach reduce your intake of alcohol and avoid snacks. Consume healthy products, climb the stairs instead to go with the elevator and use every opportunity for walking. Do not be mistaken that you have to do hard workouts in the gym, just long walks, exercise step, or yoga class will be useful to you.
Stomach due to stress
Many ambitious people tend to “great” achievements and they are often perfectionists. Also they are usually sensitive to interference in the digestive system that can cause bloating and make their bellies look much worse.
Fat is located in the middle part of the stomach around the navel. When we are stressed, we produce cortisol, a hormone that stimulates the body to retain fat around the abdomen. This type of stomach is also very tough.
If you have this type you should go to bed earlier and sleep more. Lack of sleep disrupts the production of leptin, a hormone that helps to regulate appetite and metabolism. Try to relax more, and that will help exercises and deep breathing, meditation and baths before bedtime, and chamomile tea. Limit your intake of coffee to a maximum of two cups per day. Practice yoga, go for long walks, swimming.
“Baggy” stomach
Usually this type is common for mothers who go to work or women with careers. Often, women with this type have lowered the stomach, lower abdomen, even if you are on a diet or training. If you have this kind of belly change the diet, choose products that contain a lot of fiber and green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals and remember to drink plenty of water.
Do exercise that serves to strengthen the muscles. Lie face down and to rely on the forearms. Push away from the floor; lift the toes and elbows, so that your body is parallel to the floor. Do the exercise for 10 seconds at the beginning and lately do it up to a minute.
Mother stomach
It is typical for women after giving birth. They are often stressed and they like to get back their weight they had before pregnancy. They should take omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (flaxseed oil is a great source for vegetarians).
Eat nuts (walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts), olive oil and olives – every day. Apart from help in fat loss and absorption of vitamins from food, helps against fatigue. Practice Kegel exercises because it will help to flatten the stomach.
Refrain from abdominal exercises after giving birth. Abdominal exercises are the worst thing you can do because it would force the muscles to further apart. Practice so you will deeply inhale while standing on your feet and slowly deflate while doing Kegels’ exercises.
Bloated stomach
Swollen bellies are often flat in the morning, but swell during the day due to gas or obstacles in digestion. Probably often eat the same food, and you are not even aware that you cannot stand it. These people are usually irresistible of wheat gluten that can cause inflammation of the intestines and thus make the stomach look bloated.
Try to determine which products interfere with your stomach or go to testing and consume more raw products.
Source: www.cuisineandhealth.com
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